About the Child Development Program:

The Tigers of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences are On the Prowl looking for persons who . . .

  • Like working with children and their families
  • Want to teach young children
  • Want to own or operate a day care center
  • Like working with children in camps and special programs
  • Want to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of children
  • Want to help parents improve the quality of life for children

Child Development professionals work in partnership with families to create a nurturing environment, respectful of culture, and rich in experiences to promote the optimal growth and development of each child.

Come and hang out in our Family and Consumer Sciences Tiger Den where you will receive the tools and resources necessary to learn about. . .


  • Child and Family Relationships
  • Child and Family Interaction
  • Children, Family and Cultural Diversity
  • Child and Family Policy
  • Guidance in Child Development
  • Administration in Child Development
  • Development of the Child Across the Lifespan
  • Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum Planning for  Young Children

When you graduate as a Child Development Tiger You will be …

  • Uniquely qualified for careers helping families and children:
    • Make a positive contribution to society
    • Prepare for lifelong learning and career success
  • Distinctively positioned to impact and make a difference in the lives of children and their families

There is a growing need and increased demand for trained and highly-qualified professionals in early child care, child development, and family relations, and consumer sciences.

Child Development Tiger Graduates . . .

Work in a variety of settings for children ages birth through eight years as teachers, administrators, or specialists including:

  • Head Start Centers
  • Child Care Centers
  • Day Home Centers
  • Family Child Care Homes
  • Morning Preschool Programs
  • After-School Programs
  • Home Visitation Programs
  • Parenting Programs
  • Early Intervention Programs
  • Community Agencies
  • Child Health Services
  • Summer Camp Programs
  • Children and Youth Organizations
  • Programs for Children with Differing Abilities
  • Early Childhood Education Programs in Private and Public Schools
  • Private or Government Funded Child Development Programs

Tigers in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences see themselves as . . .

Professionals in Training who strive to do things better--

Not as Amateurs who only strive to do things right.


If you want to Run and Roar with the Child Development Tiger Pack see . . .

Dr. Glenda J. Island, FCS Head Tiger
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
106-A Washington-Johnson Complex
Grambling State University
(318) 274-3719or 274-2311

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