Accessibility Accommodation Services:

 Accessibility Image 

Register for Accommodations

Access your AIM online services portal to request services, send letters to faculty, schedule exams, acknowledge policies, and more! Check out our AIM tutorials to learn how to manage your accommodations 24/7.

Services Offered:

Accessibility Accommodation Service (AAS) provides confidential services to those students who, here at Grambling State University, must request and provide the necessary documentation to verify a special needs request.  Diagnostic educational evaluations/examinations are not conducted through AAS here at Grambling State University.

Academic accommodations are made on the basis of student's documented disabilities.  Possible accommodations include but are not limited to large print handouts, extended time for completion of tests/examinations, academic counseling, and audio taping.  All documentation submitted is confidential and does not become a part of the student's university file.  Files are not released without the student's written consent.

If the student needs, or expects to need, an accommodation not supported by their documentation, the student should discuss further evaluation with a diagnostician.

Information explaining the required documentation for various disabilities can be found by clicking on each of the following links:


Semester Form and Release of Information Form:

Once Semester Release Form is completed Each Semester

  1. After accommodations are granted, bring the Semester Release Form back to the Counseling Center, if unable to bring it email to each semester.
  2. It is best to submit this at least a week before classes start.
  3. By completing this form you are giving permission to us to inform your professors of your accommodations.
  4. It's important that you contact your professors directly at the beginning of the semester to make sure he or she received the accommodation letter from our office and to discuss your needs.
  5. You and your professor are expected to work together to arrange your accommodations.
  6. If you have a note taking accommodation, this form is also used to request note takers.
  7. Please e-mail with any questions.


 Test Accommodation Form

This form is meant to work on a Mac or PC but you need to install Adobe Reader free from the web if you don't already have it. It's important to save a copy of the blank form to your computer first. Then reopen, fill out and save again with a unique title for EACH form. Then attach that form to your email to & to your professor.

Step 1:  Make sure you and your professor agree on the date/time you will take the test here.

Step 2:  Use the test form (above) and fill out the top portion.

Step 3:  Email the form to and to your professor.

If you do not receive a same day confirmation, please follow up with

We recommend scheduling at least a week in advance, but no later than the deadlines on the form (you were given this information in your accommodation orientation.)

More information (Tips & Resources):