Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation LAMP

Research Apprentice Mentorship Program RAMP

The overall goal of the RAMP program is to actively engage GSU-LAMP scholars in a research apprentice mentoring program that will effectively strengthen the necessary skills needed for graduate school admission and retention.

Program Objectives

  1. Provide a strong supportive research environment for junior and senior level SMET students of biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and engineering technology.
  2. Provide active learning by engaging the student-apprentice in on-going research.
  3. Provide enriching experiences to improve average and below average academic achievement and research performance of the student-apprentice.
  4. Provide opportunities for faculty mentor and student-apprentice to publish their papers in refereed journals.
  5. Provide mentoring and instructional support for the student-apprentice that leads to self-awareness, development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills.
  6. Provide the student-apprentice with academic responsibility, careerwiseness, and additional training to meet the changing demands of graduate school.