The mission/goal of the COO, promotes an environment that fosters inclusive relationships and creates unbiased opportunities for contributions through ideas, words, and actions that upholds principles of the culture and goals of the University with efficient customer service. The COO develops, implements and provides leadership oversight for comprehensive processes across key operational, transactional, legal, and administrative units, including Title IX, EEO, civil rights, safety & risk management; compliance; policies & procedures; strategic partnerships; human resources; information technology; emergency operations and university police. The COO reviews overall talent selection, management and employee engagement strategies to align operational activities to Connect Our Organization to provide clear information, advice and recommendations regarding strategic development of support services, the use of university assets and the development of activities to ensure the best possible environment for students, faculty and staff.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources grows and maintains a quality work experience while
empowering our operations with the world’s best talent. Additionally, the Human Resources
Department supports the mission of Grambling State University by improving services,
benefits, training and development programs available to the staff and faculty.
Civil Rights, EEO & Title IX
GSU does not discriminate, or tolerate discrimination, against any member of its community
on the basis of sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity)
in matters of admissions, employment, or in any aspect of the educational programs
or activities it offers. As a recipient of federal financial assistance for education
activities, GSU is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure
that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis
of sex as well as receives and addresses reports of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct,
power-based violence and retaliation. The Office of Civil Rights, EEO & Title IX facilitates
the processes involved with any complaint of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct,
power-based violence and retaliation; assists persons with accommodations, including
those associated with pregnancy; and provides training to students and employees regarding
sex discrimination, sexual misconduct and power based violence.
Information Technology
The Information Technology Center (ITC) provides innovative, contemporary and accessible
technology by managing information technology solutions based on the need of the university
constituents and student-centered learning community. The ITC works collaboratively
with the campus community to provide technology support to enhance the learning experience
of the university.
University Compliance & Ethics
The Office of University Compliance leads the development and implementation of policies
and procedures that align with the university’s mission by providing direct compliance
oversight and contract administration. A full list of Grambling State University policies
and procedures can be found in the online University Policies & Procedures portal.
To review the Contract Process visit here.
Safety & Risk Management
The Office of Safety and Risk Management assists all levels of management with implementing
safe working practices through maintaining property and equipment in a safe working
condition, through quality project planning and execution and by ensuring adherence
with applicable rules, laws, reporting requirements and regulations. All University
programs and activities foster a continuous identification and evaluation of employee
health and safety risks by familiarization, inspections and coordination with the
Office of Safety & Risk Management. Grambling State University is committed to the
control and reduction of employee exposure to known, evident or suspected occupational
health and safety risks by attempting to lower exposure levels as quickly as governmental
regulation, technology and economic feasibility allow.
University Police
The Office of University Police provides security and safety services to ensure the
physical safety of all university faculty, staff, students, contractors and visitors.
Emergency Management & Recovery
Grambling State University responds to emergency situations in a safe, effective and
timely manner. University resources and equipment are utilized to accomplish the following
priorities: Priority I: Protection of Human Life; Priority II: Support of Health &
Safety Services; Priority III: Protection of University Assets; Priority IV: Maintenance
of University Services; Priority V: Assessment of Damages; and Priority VI: Restoration
of General Campus Operation.
A full list of Grambling State University policies and procedures can be found in
the online University Policies & Procedures portal
Penya M. Moses, JD, LL.M.
Chief Operating Officer | (318) 274-6124
Jay Ellis, CISM
Chief Information Officer | (318) 274-6344
Wayne H. Bryant, MA
Director of Human Resources | (318) 274-3119
H. Lamar Anderson
Director Office of Civil Rights, EEO
Title IX Coordinator | (318) 274-2660
GSUPD Chief of Police | (318) 274-2222
Director of Safety & Risk Management
Tenasia Fields
Office Manager for COO | (318) 274-2486 | (318) 274-3846
Tasha Smith, MS
Compliance Administrator
ADA Coordinator | (318) 274-2418
Tegan Harrison, MS
Operations Support Coordinator | 318-274-2387