Program Completion EdD

To complete the program, a student must:

  • Take 66 semester credit hours consisting of
  • 27 hours of core courses,
  • 9 hours of evaluation and research courses,
  • a 3-hour English proficiency course,
  • 6 hours of elective courses,
  • a 3-hour internship, and
  • 12 hours in an option.
  • Pass Qualifying and comprehensive examinations
  • Complete a minimum of 6 hours of dissertation preparation, and
  • Oral dissertation defense.

Requirements for Doctoral Qualifying Examination

  • Complete no more than 27 hours in the program. Students who have completed 27 hours and have not taken or passed the Qualifying Examination will not be allowed to take any more classes until after passing the examination.
  • Complete the following courses DEED 549, DEED 600, DEED 631, EDL 549 or equivalent, and EDL 573 or equivalent.
  • Exam offered only on campus
  • A student who fails the exam would be allowed to retake it one time. A student who fails the examination after the second attempt would be dismissed from the program.

Requirements for Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

  • Complete all courses in the program except DEED 796 and DEED 800.
  • Exam offered only on campus
  • A student who fails the exam would be allowed to retake it one time. A student who fails the examination after the second attempt would be dismissed from the program.

Requirements for Oral Dissertation Defense

  • Complete and defend dissertation proposal.
  • After proposal is signed by Committee Members, Department Head, and Graduate School Dean, complete appropriate IRB form. Student must not collect data until IRB form has been approved by the Institutional Review Board.
  • Complete Dissertation
  • Abide by timelines published by Graduate Studies and Department every semester

Program Completion MEd

To complete the program, a student must:

  • Complete all required courses
  • a 3-hour English proficiency course if needed,  
  • Pass the licensure examinations

Program Completion MS

To complete the program, a student must:

  • Take 36 semester credit hours consisting of
  • 12 hours of core courses,
  • 6 hours of evaluation and research courses,
  • a 3-hour English proficiency course if needed,
  • 3 hours of elective courses,
  • a 3-hour practicum, and
  • 9 hours in an option.
  • Pass Comprehensive examinations (semester prior to anticipated graduation date)
A student who fails the exam would be allowed to retake it one time. A student who fails the examination after the second attempt would be dismissed from the program.

Program Completion PMC

To complete the program, a student must:

  • Take 21 semester credit hours consisting of
  • 18 hours of core courses,
  • 3 hours of elective courses

Contact Information

Olatunde Ogunyemi, Ed.D., Department Head
Phone: (318) 274-2238/6105
Fax: (318) 274-6249