Fall 2019 Distance Learning Course Schedule

Internet Delivery
Graduate Courses

College of Arts and Sciences/History
HIST543 12128 Directed Study in History Belton, R.
College of Arts and Sciences/Psychology/Sociology
SOC515 12077 Sociology of Deviant Behavior Sheptoski, M.
College of Arts and Sciences/Public Administration
PA524 12115 Labor Mgmt/Collect Bargaining Akoma, L.
PA4547 12155 Law and Public Health Akoma, L.
College of Education/Developmental Education/Curriculum and Instruction
DEED543 10101 Nature and Needs of Dev Students Lu, L.
DEED545 10029 Educational Measurement/ Program Eval Jackson, C.
DEED547 12150 Methods and Materials for Teaching Reading Ghongkedze, M.
DEED549 10727 Problems and Issues in Develop Education Ogunyemi, O.
DEED580 11194 Decision Making Principles & Theories Payne, P.
DEED600 10729 Advanced Studies of the Develop Learner Wanjohi, R.
DEED607 10263 Learning Support Centers Williams, D.
DEED618 11994 College Teaching Jackson, C.
DEED621 11401 Instructional Systems Design Ogunyemi, O.
DEED621 11995 Instructional Systems Design Ogunyemi, O.
DEED634 11399 Professional Writing Williams, D.
DEED643 10734 Intermediate Statistics Wanjohi, R.
DEED649 10266 History & Philosophy of Higher Education Williams, D.
DEED660 10264 Organ and Admin of Higher Ed Williams, D.
DEED705 11997 Applied Psychology of Learning Lu, L.
DEED706 11191 Curriculum in Higher Education Lu, L.
DEED708 12151 Student Affairs Administration Jackson, C.
DEED712 12152 Instit. Planning, Research and Decision Making TBA
DEED713 12153 Fiscal and Business Affairs in Higher Education Williams, D.
DEED714 10231 Higher Education Policy Payne, P.
DEED719 11406 The Community College Johnson, P.
DEED726 12154 Research in Developmental Education Jackson, C.
DEED728 10190 Advanced Research Design Lu, L.
DEED737 11999 Quantitative Research Methods Jackson, C.
DEED792 10116 Advanced Program Evaluation Newman, K.
ED530 12196 Tech Integrat for Learn/Teach Ogunyemi, O.
EDL549 10739 Introduction to Techniques of Research Lu, L.
EDPT511 12158 Capstone I: Problems and Issues in Education Johnson, P.
EDPT512 11656 Differentiated Instruction in Include Classrooms Johnson, P.
College of Professional Studies/Criminal Justice
CJ502 11803 Writing Seminar for Criminal Justice Lee, T.
CJ502 10919 Writing Seminar for Criminal Justice Lee, T.
CJ502 12191 Writing Seminar for Criminal Justice Lee, T.
CJ505 10360 Theories of Crime/Delinquency Lee, T.
CJ505 11802 Theories of Crime/Delinquency Lee, T.
CJ505 12226 Theories of Crime/Delinquency Crump, T.
CJ513 11702 Women in the Justice System White, K.
CJ513 11070 Women in the Justice System White, K.
CJ513 12195 Women in the Justice System White, K.
CJ513 12233 Women in the Justice System Morris-Francis, S.
CJ515 10384 Constitution & Justice Process Minifield, L.
CJ515 10572 Constitution & Justice Process Minifield, L.
CJ515 11102 Constitution & Justice Process Minifield, L.
CJ515 12192 Constitution & Justice Process Minifield, L.
CJ515 12227 Constitution & Justice Process Crump, T.
CJ521 12006 Sem Crime Prevention/Control Singh, M.
CJ521 12007 Sem Crime Prevention/Control Singh, M.
CJ521 12008 Sem Crime Prevention/Control Singh, M.
CJ521 12194 Sem Crime Prevention/Control Singh, M.
CJ521 12232 Sem Crime Prevention/Control Singh, M.
CJ541 11708 Seminar in Penology Brown, K.
CJ541 12189 Seminar in Penology Brown, K.
CJ541 12229 Seminar in Penology Threadcraft, M.
CJ546 12010 Prison Subcultures Brown, K.
CJ546 12011 Prison Subcultures Brown, K.
CJ546 12228 Prison Subcultures Threadcraft, M.
CJ551 10318 Criminal Behavior Systems Dotter, D.
CJ551 12190 Criminal Behavior Systems Dotter, D.
CJ551 12230 Criminal Behavior Systems Dotter, D.
CJ581 10920 Methods of Justice Research I Montgomery-Scott, J.
CJ581 10921 Methods of Justice Research I Montgomery-Scott, J.
CJ581 11107 Methods of Justice Research I Montgomery-Scott, J.
CJ581 12193 Methods of Justice Research I Montgomery-Scott, J.
CJ581 12234 Methods of Justice Research I Morris-Francis, S.
CJ596 12104 Proposal Research and Writing Lee, T.
College of Professional Studies/School of Social Work
SWK502 10141 Social Welfare Policy and Services Reed, E.

Graduate Courses

College of Arts and Sciences/Public Administration
PA517 11935 Administrative Behavior Mitchell, C.
PA519 11936 Info Technology for Public Mgt. Mitchell, C.
College of Education/Curriculum & Instruction
ED505 10430 Analysis of Reading Difficulties Ghongkedze, M.
ED581 11449 Literacy Leadership Seminar Foster, E.
EDPT528 10354 Foundations of Speical Edu/Child Adoles Psy Foster, E.
EDPT541 11135 Seminar: Novice Edu Sup System Payne, P.
College of Professional Studies/Nursing
NUR501 11626 Advanced Nursing Theory Brown, M.
NUR516 12242 Adult Health II Murff, S.
NUR534 11378 Teaching Methods Murff, S.
NUR536 11627 Teaching Practicum Murff, S.

Internet Delivery
Undergraduate Courses

Grambling Achievement Program
FYE101 11438 First Year Experience: Kinesiology Hamms, G.
FYE101 11414 First Year Experience: Criminal Justice Hamms, G.
College of Arts and Sciences/Biology
BIOL103 12103 Principles of Biology Duhon, S.
BIOL206 12099 Fundamentals of Ecology Hill, D.
BIOL207 12161 Prin of Anatomy & Physiology Johnson, L.
BIOL207L 12235 Prin of Anatomy & Physiology Lab Johnson, L.
BIOL418 10499 Environmental Issues and Policies Hill, D.
College of Arts and Sciences/Chemistry
CHEM101 12181 Environmental Chemistry Ohene, F.
College of Arts and Sciences/Family and Consumer Sciences
CDFR100 10286 Child Development & Family Relations Heiden, K.
CDFR103 12013 Observation Technique Rabon, F.
CDFR104 11452 Current Issues in Child Development Rabon, F.
CDFR105 11931 Prenatal Development Talbert, A.
CDFR200 12012 Creative Play Art Drama in Literature Matthews, T.
CDFR209 10425 Marriage & Family Relationship Rabon, F.
CDFR301 10436 Parent Education Island, G.
CDFR306 10526 Org. & Adm. Children and Early Literature Mayo-Theus, S.
CDFR360 10633 Developmental Sci Inq. Skills Mayo-Theus, S.
CDFR361 11992 Developmental Sci Inq. Skills Island, G.
CDFR400 10319 Nursery School Kinder Talbert, A.
FCS100 12014 Seminar in Family & Consumer Sciences Matthews, T.
FCS310 10528 Meth of Res in Family and Con Rabon, F.
FN204 10527 Nutrition Snyder, T.
FN204 12212 Nutrition Snyder, T.
FN205 10529 Nutrition for Children Island, G.
HM212 12016 Safety & Sanitation Rabon, F.
College of Arts and Sciences/History
HIST103 11879 World History I McGowan, B.
HIST103 11880 World History I Days, Y.
HIST104 11765 World History II Holt, E.
HIST104 11850 World History II Holt, E.
HIST104 12202 World History II Holt, E.
College of Arts and Sciences/Mathematics
MATH131 11716 College Algebra Hart-Simmons, M.
MATH132 11869 College Algebra Hart-Simmons, M.
College of Arts and Sciences/Sociology and Psychology
PSY200 10680 General Psychology Atencio, M.
SOC201 10668 Introductory to Sociology Nickerson, C.
SOC201 10665 Introductory to Sociology Sheptoski, M.
SOC203 10669 Social Problems Sheptoski, M.
College of Arts and Sciences/Foreign Languages
SPAN101 11629 Spanish I Ponton, R.
SPAN101 11630 Spanish I Ponton, R.
SPAN102 11631 Spanish II Ponton, R.
SPAN102 11632 Spanish II Ponton, R.
College of Business/Accounting, Business, Economics & Finance
ACCT201 12022 Financial Accounting Bradford, T.
ACCT201 12024 Financial Accounting Hassan, M.
ACCT405 11349 Advanced Accounting, I Hassan, M.
MAN301 11382 Principles of Management Johnson, S.
College of Education/Curriculum & Instruction
ED210 11937 Professional Accountability III Johnson, P.
ED322 11760 Teach Reading in Middle/Junior/High Schools Payne, P.
ED427 12122 Classroom Management Johnson, P.
ED455 10371 Student Teaching (Residency II) Johnson, P.
EDPT599 11318 Special Topics: Content Areas & Technology Johnson, P.
College of Professional Studies/Criminal Justice
CJ400 10102 Contemporary Correctional System Conley, M.
CJ400 10127 Contemporary Correctional System Conley, M.
CJ421 11703 Probation and Parole Conley, M.
College of Professional Studies/Social Work
SWK312 10525 Introduction to Protective Services Reed, E.
College of Education/Kinesiology and Leisure Studies/Health Promotion
HPR201 10336 Personal Health Ayim, M.
HPR405 10338 Intro to Community Health Promotion Ayim, M.

Undergraduate Courses

College of Arts and Sciences/Biology
CHEM105 12170 General Inorganic Chemistry Ohene, F.
College of Arts and Sciences/Chemistry
CHEM105 12183 General Inorganic Chemistry Ohene, F.
CHEM107L 12184 General Inorganic Chemistry Lab Ohene, F.
CHEM107L 12185 General Inorganic Chemistry Lab Ohene, F.
CHEM343 10890 Physical Chemistry Lab Ohene, F.
College of Arts and Sciences/English
ENG093 11548 Basic English II Evans, B.
ENG093 11549 Basic English II Evans, B.
ENG101 11550 Freshman Composition I Evans, B.
ENG101 11551 Freshman Composition I Evans, B.
ENG101 11875 Freshman Composition I Evans, B.
ENG101 12055 Freshman Composition I McKinsey, B.
ENG101 12056 Freshman Composition I McKinsey, B.
ENG102 12068 Freshman Composition II Mathews, D.
ENG102 12066 Freshman Composition II Clawson, J.
ENG102 12067 Freshman Composition II Clawson, J.
ENG200 11123 World Literature Clawson, J.
ENG207 10257 Introduction to Technical Writing Gould, M.
ENG207 11821 Introduction to Technical Writing Gould, M.
ENG301 12070 History and Survey of English Literature Gould, M.
ENG305 11614 Advanced Technical Writing Gould, M.
ENG310 10825 Advanced Traditional Grammar Clawson, J.
HUM301 12215 Humanities of the South McKinsey, B.
College of Arts and Sciences/Family and Consumer Sciences
CDFR259 11840 Issues in Assessments Mayo-Theus, S.
CDFR330 11928 Emer/Earl Lit Rabon, F.
CDFR400 10319 Nur/School Kindergarten Edu. Heiden, K.
CDFR450 10634 Practice in Child Dev and Early Lit Mayo-Theus, S.
FCS470 10715 Independent Study Matthews, T.
College of Arts and Sciences/Psychology & Sociology
SOC203 11124 Social Problems Nickerson, C.
SOC305 10671 Social Psychology Sheptoski, M.
SOC407 10674 Methods of Research Sheptoski, M.
PSY200 11866 Introduction to General Psychology Nickerson, C.
PSY200 10679 Introduction to General Psychology Atencio, M.
PSY200 12203 Introduction to General Psychology Atencio, M.
PSY200 11865 Introduction to General Psychology Atencio, M.
PSY305 10693 Social Psychology Sheptoski, M.
PSY407 11094 Methods of Research Sheptoski, M.
College of Arts and Sciences/Foreign Languages
FREN101 10178 French I Banzar, C.
FREN102 10279 French II Banzar, C.
College of Arts and Sciences/Political Science
PS325 10209 Quan & Qual Res Methods in Political Science Mitchell, C.
College of Business/Accounting, Economics & Finance
ACCT405 11349 Advanced Accounting Hassan, M.
GB150 10214 Fundamentals of Business Johnson, S.
GB150 11381 Fundamentals of Business Johnson, S.
GB202 10020 Applied Quantitative Methods Johnson, S.
College of Education/Curriculum & Instruction
ED162 10008 Introduction to Teaching Foster, E.
ED162 11128 Introduction to Teaching Ghongkedze, M.
ED210 11937 Classroom Management Johnson, P.
ED303 12120 Introduction to Reading Ghongkedze, M.
ED304 10242 Children’s Literature Foster, E.
ED312 10014 Introduction to Exceptional Children Foster, E.
ED427 12122 Residency II: Student Teaching Johnson, P.
ED455 10371 Professional Accountability III Johnson, P.
College of Education/Kinesiology and Leisure Studies/Health Promotion
HPR305 10334 Org & Admin of Coord Sch Health Prog. Ayim, M.
HPR406 10339 Measurement/Eval of Health Promotion Prog. Ayim, M.
College of Professional Studies/Criminal Justice
CJ204 10032 Criminology Conley, M.
College of Professional Studies/Nursing
NUR500 12241 Writing Seminar Murff, S.

**Students who have not previously taken an online course are Required to complete the Student Online Readiness Tool**

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