Web Enhanced Request Form

Course shells are created upon request from the course instructor each semester. Usage of these course environments requires clearance from the GSU Office of Distance Learning. The following course management policies apply:

  • Web enhanced courses will be created approximately one month before the beginning of the term.
  • Online courses will be created one semester prior to the course start date.
  • Students will be moved to courses approximately one week before the beginning of the
    semester. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify the ODL of any course
    assignment changes after that date.
  • The ODL, along with assistance from the instructor, bears primary responsibility for the
    orientation and training of students on the use of Canvas.
  • Unless otherwise notified, ODL staff will remove courses from the system two weeks
    after the end of the semester.
  • It is the instructor's responsibility to create an archive file for any course material that
    they wish to re-use in a later course. See: Archiving Courses for details.

Use the following form to request a setup for a special course or for use by a noninstructional group (enter group name in the course title field). You can also use this form to submit any special requests associated with a regular course. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). If you have any questions about this form please send an email message to johnsonl@gram.edu. For a summary of the features of CANVAS and the GSU policies governing the use of Distance Learning at GSU, consult the Guide for Faculty (pending).

Special note on course cartridges: Many textbook publishers are now providing plug-in cartridges for Distance Learning. If you have been in touch with the publisher about the use of a course cartridge and know the cartridge number, enter it in the space provided below. If you need assistance in acquiring or installing the cartridge, enter "help needed" in that field and a ODL staff member will be in touch to help work out the details.