Department of History & Geography

History Program - Black Studies Minor Curriculum

Black Studies Minor is composed of 12 required credit hours and 6 elective hours.

HIST 319: African American History to 1877 3
HIST 320: African American History since 1877 3
HUM 200: African Culture 3
PSY 210: Introduction to Black/African Psychology 3
Elective Courses 6
Total hours for minor:   18


HIST 341: History of West Africa 3
HIST 342: History of East Africa 3
ENG 415: African American Literature 3
ENG 421: Africana Film and Literature 3
PSY 212: Psychology of the Black/African Family 3
SOC 306: Minority Groups 3
SOC 401: Social Issues of the Black Family 3
FREN 101and 102:
FREN 201:
Beginning French
Intermediate French
(or three hours above the major requirement)
SPAN 101 and 102:
SPAN 201:
Beginning Spanish
Intermediate Spanish
(or three hours above the major requirement)
ARAB 101: Beginning Arabic
(currently available at ULM via distance learning and ICP)
Other courses directly relating to the black experience (courses that have “the black experience” delineated in their catalogue descriptions) as transferred credit. 6

Student: As you select courses from the list of electives please have your course selections approved by your academic advisor and department head before completing course registration.

Please review these guidelines relating to taking a foreign language:
As in all degree programs at Grambling State University, students may not use one course to fulfill both their general education curriculum requirement and their major and minor requirements. The Black Studies minor is no exception to this rule. It is recognized that not all students at GSU must take foreign languages in order to complete the nine-hour Humanities requirement in the general education curriculum. Thus, the Black Studies minor offers foreign languages as an elective.

*Students may not count foreign language courses for both their general education curriculum requirement and the Black Studies minor.

^^Should a student select foreign languages as an elective course, the foreign language course must be three hours above the general education requirement in the student’s major field. That is, if a major field’s general education curriculum require nine hours of foreign language, the foreign language elective in the Black Studies minor will count the three hours above the nine hour requirement. If the major field has a no foreign language requirement but a general Humanities requirement, the foreign language course will count as an elective in the Black Studies requirement but not toward a Humanities requirement.

Students must take the Black Studies courses in addition to any courses they plan to take to meet the Humanities requirement. In order to complete the Humanities requirement in the student’s field, the History department urges the student to verify the Humanities requirement with their advisor and their department chair and to check with the History department. Grambling students must take nine hours of Humanities or in related fields to fulfill the Louisiana Board of Regents general education curriculum. The Humanities requirement can be met in a number of ways, including courses in literature, foreign languages, humanities, philosophy, etc. To reiterate, the courses offered in the Black Studies minor cannot be counted twice – toward the general education requirement and toward the Black Studies minor.