Leisure Studies


Contact/Program Faculty/Staff:

Grambling State University Logo

Dr. Obadiah Simmons, Jr., Interim Coordinator of Leisure Studies  
Dr. Obadiah Simmons, Jr.,
Interim Coordinator of Leisure Studies Program (LSP)
(318) 274-7880


About the Program

First Program to be accredited at a
Historically Black College or University,
October 1986, Council on Accreditation
(now Council on Accreditation of Parks,
Recreation, Tourism and Related



LSP Faculty

  • Dr. Rodney Blackman, LSP faculty member
  • Dr. Breleisha Gilbert, LSP faculty member 
  • Dr. Catalina Palacios, LSP faculty member 


Professional Development Activities

KSLS Majors Club and Phi Epsilon Kappa Honors Fraternity

Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 Liesure Studies Professional Development Activities Photo 7 


LSP Advisory Committee

Patrick Wesley
Assistant Director
Shreveport Public Assembly Center (SPAR)
505 Travis Street
Shreveport, LA  71101

Sabrina Love
Assistant Director
Boys and Girls Club of North La.
300 Memorial Drive
Ruston, LA  71270

Chris Merrell, CTRS
VA Hospital
4500 South Lancaster Road
Dallas, TX   75216

Dale Auzenne, CTRS
Baton Rouge Recreation
and Park Commission
6201 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA   70806

Katrina Coots Ward
Certified Park and Recreation Professional
Baton Rouge Recreation and Park Commission
6201 Florida Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA  70806

James Ramsur
Director or Lincoln Parish Park
211 Parish Park
Ruston, LA  71270

Daitrone Kennedy, CTRS
PACE Senior Center
7435 Bishop Ott Drive
Baton Rouge, LA  70806

Thomas Smiles
Park Manager
Louisiana Office of State Parks
P.O. Box 236
Farmerville, LA  71241

Mary Gladney, CTRS 

LSU Medical Center
1401 Foucher Street
Shreveport, LA  71103

Perry Schieffer, CTRS
17750 Cli Drive
Houston, TX  77090


COAPRT Standards:

COAPRT standard 2.05.05 requires reporting of aggregated results of learning outcomes assessment. Results for the most recent academic year:

7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following foundational knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.

Outcome 3-Students engage in a number of assignments related to developing a foundational knowledge of the parks, recreation, and tourism or related professions and their associated industries; techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and, the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy. In particular, students enrolled in REC 380, one of the core courses in the curriculum, have completed an assignment. Students have met this metric according to the standard we have set with between 75% and 100% earning at least 75% or above. Outcome Measure Style: Direct

  • 2021 Spring: 79% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2021 Fall: 52% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2022 Spring: 79% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2022 Fall: 94% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2023 Spring: 74% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2023 Fall: 74% of students earning 70% or above to 100%

7.02 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity

Outcome 3-The desired goal was for at least 70% of students would meet this goal on each assignment. In each year, the vast majority of the assignments related to the 7.02 standard met the targeted goal. In cases where the assignment did not meet the targeted goal, actions have been taken to improve in the future. In each year, there are multiple assignments that had 100% of students earning 70% or higher. Outcome Measure Style: Direct

  • 2021: 88% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2022:93 % of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2023:85% of students earning 70% or above to 100%

7.03-Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.

Outcome 3-The desired goal was for at least 70% of students would meet this goal on each assignment. In each year, the vast majority of the assignments related to the 7.03 standard met the targeted goal. In cases where the assignment did not meet the targeted goal, actions have been taken to improve in the future. In each year, there are multiple assignments that had 100% of students earning 70% or higher. Outcome Measure Style: Direct

  • 2021 Fall: 52% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2022 Spring: 79% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2022 Fall: 94% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2023 Spring: 74% of students earning 70% or above to 100%
  • 2023 Fall: 74% of students earning 70% or above to 100%


Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT) Annual Progress Reports