United Way Campaign Kickoff 2015

GRAMBLING LA – Grambling State University kicked off its annual United Way Campaign to raise money for the many non-profit organizations that help improve lives and communities in Northeast Louisiana. Since 2007, Grambling State University has participated in the giving campaign for United Way. With your help, we can assist the youth and elderly in our community! Donations are being accepted until Nov. 6, so make your pledge today!

“Grambling State University is a giving community, which makes our involvement in the annual United Way Giving Campaign even more important. Each dollar goes a long way, and I encourage every member of the GramFam to stand tall and make this year’s campaign the most successful ever!” President Willie Larkin said.

United Way of Northeast Louisiana works with volunteers, donors and other local organizers to create lasting change in education, income, health, and basic and emergency needs. Grambling State University has a long history of being a community leader in giving. GSU and United Way are partnering to increase local graduation rates, providing education towards financial literacy and preventive health behaviors that will align with Grambling’s community service interests.

The campaign began on Oct. 19 when Grambling administrators and faculty members toured and heard presentations from United Way’s partner agencies to learn more about their work in the community. The agencies included NELA Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation, MedCamps of Louisiana, Inc., the Family Counseling Center at the Louisiana Methodist Children’s HomeBoys and Girls Clubs NCLA, Domestic Abuse Resistance Team and the  Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana. Donations can be made through payroll deduction or a one-time donation. Payroll deductions for United Way Campaign contributions will begin in January 2016 and will be taken out monthly up through December 2016, or as specified. Pledge cards may be turned in to your Team Leader or taken to the GSU Human Resources Office in Long-Jones Hall on or before Nov. 6.

If you would like to make a one-time donation, please write a personal check made out to United Way of Northeast Louisiana and submit it with your pledge card. Cash should be taken to the Cashier’s window in Long-Jones Hall, along with your pledge card. “While growing up as a kid, I always heard my mom and dad say, ‘to whom much is given much is required,’” Larkin said.“Over the years, I have embraced this same basic concept. If everyone gives a little, it adds up to be a lot and is ultimately used to assist many of our neighbors. After all, we are our brother’s keeper. Please give to United Way today!”

You can also help by volunteering with one of the many community partners who have a need for volunteers throughout the year. For more information on how you can volunteer, contact Rory Bedford, director of Service Learning, at extension 2547. For more information on the Grambling State University United Way Campaign, visit http://www.gram.edu/offices/hr/unitedway.

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