Born, and reared, Gramblinite has a rich history contributing to his success in his first 100 days as GSU president

GSU President Gallot Selfie.By BRANDON-MICHAEL LaGARDE
GSU Media Bureau

In his first few months as president of Grambling State University, Rick Gallot has performed as gracefully as the GSU G-Men football team does on the field, according to state leaders, students and his pastor.

Gallot, a Grambling native and the university’s 10th president, started his first day on August 1 has involved himself on campus and off campus in ways that make him one of the more visible presidents. He told the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors on the day of his July interview that, if selected, he would put God first in all things and that’s how he would approach being president.

His 100th day in office November 8.  He has participated in the school’s Welcome Week activities in August, including time spent helping students move into their dorms, sometimes shocking students and their parents as he lifted boxes and luggage.

He’s visited university departments, colleges and units, including some where they haven’t seen a president where they work, ever. Gallot took a selfie on stage during high school day, and struck a pose at the homecoming concert in the Fredrick Hobdy Assembly Center. He quickly got involved with the negotiation of head football Broderick Fobbs’ contract, getting a two-year extension as the coach agreed to a no-increase agreement focused on salary pools to satisfy his assistants and staff.

The president pushed GSU in the national HBCU conversation as he appeared on Roland Martin’s TV One News show, and he’s been on social media regularly each week; he can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and from time to time he’s even on SnapChat.

Gallot did not celebrate his 100th day in office on Tuesday (Nov. 8). It was another day of work at the school he loves, and the university that gave him the foundation that has led to his leading his alma mater. He continues to find different ways to raise the school’s profile, and to make Grambling State a part of conversations to gain support.

The new president even got Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards to visit Grambling State’s homecoming game on Oct. 29.

State Rep. Patrick Jefferson, a longtime Gallot friend, visited Gallot a couple times since taking office and GSU student Braxton Matthews is thrilled with Gallot’s frequent appearances on campus.

Matthews, a senior computer Information systems major from Houma, Louisiana, said he’s excited. “I’ve been at Grambling since 2013 and I have met and shook President Gallot’s hand more times this semester than any other president in my four years here,” said Matthews, 22. “Every time Gallot and I shake hands it shows me he cares about the students and the university. He’s going to do great things for Grambling.”

During an interview at the homecoming football game, Edwards said Gallot’s performance as the Tiger-in-Chief has been welcome.

“Based on everything I can gather, he’s doing the job we all expected him to do,” Edwards, who served in the Louisiana state legislature with Gallot and became his friend, said as he stood in the Eddie G. Robinson Memorial Stadium. He hasn’t been here long, but the family around Grambling is really tight. And when I say the family I don’t mean right here at the university or in the city of Grambling.

“The alumni around the state and around the country are going to support Rick and I know he’s going to get support from the Louisiana System, he’s going the get support from my office and the legislature. I’m very optimistic about the future of this university under his leadership.”

It’s that tight Grambling family that helped groom Gallot to be the newest GSU president, and he appreciates and respects what has been done to help him become the top university leader.

One of Gallot’s first actions as president was honoring the late Ralph Waldo Emerson Jones, the university’s second president, by selecting his university email account as

“That’s a tribute to Prez Jones,” said Gallot. “He was the kind of president who knew about you.”

When Jones retired in 1977, he built a house next door to Gallot’s family home. During Jones’ retirement Gallot often visited Jones at his home, programmed Jones’s television remotes and chatted about young Gallot’s personal life.

“One of the things I did was set up my email address as, that’s a tribute to Prez Jones,” said Gallot. “He was the kind of president who knew about you.”

Gallot said he got to know Jones and famous GSU head football coach Eddie Robinson well as a kid growing up in Grambling. “I got to know them on a personal level,” he said. “They were genuinely good people who were concerned about you as a student, as an individual and what your future would be, and how they might help you to get where you were going … in life.”

President Gallot grew up playing basketball at Kenny Patton’s house, right across the street from Robinson on Adams Avenue. Gallot respected Coach Rob as more than a football coach. Coach Rob asked him about his grades, and his parents. He got to know Gallot. PrezRick, as he’s sometimes called and often referred to on social media, experienced what most of the world never saw: Robinson the man.

Gallot’s father, former Grambling Mayor Richard Gallot Sr., said his son’s relationship with Jones and Robinson was very good. “A lot of kids would come over, or he would go play and they would talk to the coach,” said the elder Gallot, who has been cutting hair at his Grambling barbershop for about 50 years.

Jefferson, Gallot’s successor in the 11th district, which includes Bienville, Claiborne and Lincoln parishes, grew up knowing and competing against Gallot in basketball and band. As a kid in the neighboring community of Arcadia watching Gallot and playing against him, Jefferson said “you knew then there was something special about him.”

“Mr. President is doing a stellar job; he has exceeded expectations and the thing that is so important is the energy and the enthusiasm he brings. It is unparalleled.

“Grambling is a very special place and has a very special person leading it at this unique time in our history. With me being a public servant I go across the state and interact with folk the primary question asked is what took us so long to name him,” added Jefferson.

Gallot attends New Living Word Ministries in Ruston, Louisiana, where Jerry Baldwin is the pastor. Baldwin was appointed by Gallot to the important GSU athletics director search committee based on his football coach career at Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech University and as head football coach at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The pastor sees a great opportunity for Grambling State, and its students.

“He’s a tremendous asset. We know he’s stable. He’s been in the same zip code all of his life,” added Baldwin, noting that 71245 is the Grambling zip code that has been Gallot’s home address since he was born.

“I’ve seen him grow as a man of faith over the years through his regular attendance at church,” he said. “He’s been a great note taker and listener.”

President Gallot 100 Days


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