Kinesiology, Sport, and Leisure Studies Department Admission
Admission requires compliance with Grambling State University policies. The department
adheres to admission policies of the University. It is the responsibility of prospective
students to locate and comply with University’s admission policies. This information
is needed for enrollment, to be retained and to graduate. Note the following requisites
and tidbits pertaining to “what” a student should know and do:
- Meet enrollment requirements and maintain appropriate grade point average each semester,
including summer school
- Contact the University’s Counseling Center, as applicable, should there be learning
- Answers to all questions can be obtained at (318) 274-2294 or come to the Assembly
Center room 148
- Meet with a department advisor in the appropriate degree program, come to the Assembly
- Transfer and Change of Major students must contact a department advisor at once,
call (318) 274-2294 or come to the Assembly Center room 148
- Request a Curriculum Guide or Curriculum Sheet for yourself
- Be certain your courses are properly sequenced during advisement; as a freshman,
“no” 300 or 400 level courses of enrollment
- Be certain to purchase books for classes each semester, be certain to attend classes
each day; if attendance is not possible, call the professor and update
- Attend at least one state and/or national meeting in discipline
- “D” grades must be retaken
- Be certain an advisement folder is complete and filed
- Do not change your Schedule of Classes without conversing with your department advisor
- Participate in the Majors Club, Sport Leaders Association and/or Phi Epsilon Kappa
and other department activities, program and events
- Keep in good standing with the University, College of Education and the department;
secure a Student Code of Conduct Booklet from the Office of the Vice President of
Student Affairs
- Request a current university Catalog
- A 2.5 or higher grade-point-average is needed to graduate, as of Fall 2006
- Have admittance forms completed and submitted to the College of Education
- Attend ED 201-Advisee Report, enrollment in four ED 201 classes is required
- Must pass PRAXIS and KNES 211—Level Test I, KNES 311—Level Test II and KNES 411—Level
Test III; Level Tests are endorsed by accrediting agencies; passage of Level Test
III is required to graduate
- Must pass REC 211—Level Test I, REC 311—Level Test II and REC 417—Level Test III;
Level Test are endorsed by accrediting agencies; passage of Level Test III is required
to graduate
- Pass Interview for Admittance to Degree Program
- Complete paperwork for admission to Advanced Standing
- By the eighth semester of enrollment, not counting summer school, graduation should
be the case