Fee Waiver Information

For tuition purposes, first-time freshmen, transfer and continuing students from other
states (U.S. citizens) may be considered to have some or all of their out-of-state
fees waived when registering for admittance, provided they satisfy the following minimum
- Student must first satisfy the admission requirements.
- Student must demonstrate a financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
Student must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
for need assessment.
- Student must complete the out-of-state fee waiver application after being admitted
to the university, and submit it with required documents. The fee waiver application
and accompanying documents cannot be faxed.
- First-time Freshmen, Transfer and Continuing Students must have and maintain a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.50, to be evaluated at the end of each spring semester.
- Special Achievement Consideration (SPIRIT):
Non-resident, undergraduate students (U.S. citizens) with high achievement in dance
performance, or debate, or visual arts, or music performance, or theater performance
may be considered a resident of Louisiana for tuition/fee purposes, if it is deemed
that the students’ presence will improve the educational opportunities of other students.
Cheerleaders, ROTC, Orchesis, Band, Choir or other university-recognized or sponsored
spirit groups that perform at athletic game activities, and SGA members, may also
be considered in this group. The applying student must meet each of the following
- New students must first satisfy admission criteria.
- Students must demonstrate a financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
- Demonstrate high achievement in the appropriate performance area.
- First-Time Freshmen, Transfer and Continuing Students must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to be evaluated at the end
of the each Spring semester
- Demonstrate leadership.
- Commit to participate in the appropriate performance area.
*Upon approval of the SPIRIT out-of-state fee waiver/exemption, the group director
must have students sign a statement of understanding which outlines the conditions
of retaining the out-f-state fee waiver/exemption. The statement must be kept on file
in the group director’s office for the duration of the waiver/exemption.
Students receiving the out-of-state fee waiver must sign a statement of understanding
which outlines the conditions of retaining the waiver/exemption to be retained on
file until graduation. The maximum time allowed for the out-of-state fee waiver is
four (4) consecutive years.
Students who fail to maintain the requirements of the out-of-state fee waiver/exemption
for any given review period will forfeit the waiver/exemption of subsequent semesters.
Students who fail to meet cumulative GPA requirement of 2.50 after the spring evaluation,
will be given the summer to make-up. Failure to meet the requirements at the end of
the summer will forfeit the out-of-state fee waiver/exemption for subsequent semesters.
- A written appeal may be submitted by any student wishing to have a waiver reinstated.
The appeal will be reviewed by the Fee Waiver Appeals Committee to determine eligibility
for reinstatement.
- Student receiving the SPIRIT out-of-state fee waiver/exemption who chose to end their
participation with the SPIRIT group and maintain a cumulative 2.50 GPA must submit
a new application for out-of-state fee waiver/exception in order to maintain the waiver/exemption
for subsequent semesters.
Additional Information:
(Please note: The out-of-state fee waiver requirements have changed in fall 2014)
For information on the out-of-state fee waivers, please contact:
Office of Admissions
1-318-274-3292 (fax)
Email: admissions@gram.edu