Measure 7: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

The EPP surveys graduating seniors and recent graduates to track employment trends. Additionally, the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) provides completers’ employment trends for recent completers hired in public schools in Louisiana.  The completers’ employment information provided to the EPP by the Louisiana Department of Education includes only completers employed by public schools in the state of Louisiana. It does not include employment information for completers hired by private, parochial, or out-of-state schools.  Louisiana requirements for obtaining educator licenses for teachers include the passage of tests of subject area content and professional knowledge. All program completers have at least one test to pass to demonstrate their mastery of content and professional knowledge and some licensure areas require the passage of three to four licensure exam. The percentage of program graduates who hold a Louisiana teaching position one year after graduation ranges from 100 percent. Eighty percent of Grambling State University College of Education Department of Teacher Education Completers that responded indicated that they were employed full-time teaching.


Additional/Supporting Data (Measure 7):