NCATE Standard 3 Report

 Field experience and clinical practice are crucial to the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for initial and advanced program candidates at Grambling State University (GSU). Initial program candidates complete more than 180 hours of course-based field experiences prior to student teaching (Ex.3.4.e.3). Field experience and clinical practice outcomes in initial and advanced programs are directly aligned with the Conceptual Framework (Ex.3.4.e.13). Advanced programs in Curriculum and Instruction, Reading, and Special Education include activities that require candidates to extend and apply their growing understanding of elements that support learning by all students (Ex.3.4.e.14). Field experiences and clinical practice also provide opportunities for candidates to assume responsibilities for the roles for which they are preparing (Ex.3.4.e.15). School partners consist of area PK-12 school districts, university laboratory schools, professional development school partners (Ex.3.4.a.13), and the PK-16+ Council, which consists of partner school personnel, college of arts and science faculty, community partners, and students (Ex.3.4.a.14). The partners collaborate in the design and implementation of field and clinical experiences that support candidates' development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be a successful teacher (Ex. 3.4.a.2) The collaboration requires a contract between the university and participating school districts that delineates the state and university required qualifications for cooperating teachers and the responsibilities of principals in the assignment and supervision of candidates, student teachers and interns (Ex.3.4.a.1). The Director of the Office of Professional Laboratory Experiences (OPLE) in consultation with the principal assigns cooperating teachers for field experiences, student teaching, internships and clinical practice. (Ex.3.4.e.2). University supervisors are assigned in consultation between the OPLE director and the professional education department heads. Field experience placements are collaborated in discussions with school principals and the OPLE director. Field experience and clinical practice assignments support course objectives and are determined by the course instructors. The field experiences handbook outlines the procedures and expectations for all participants (Exhibit 3.4.e.3). School-based personnel evaluate teacher candidates' using the Field Experience Student Evaluation form (Ex. 3.4.f.1) and provide feedback on assigned teacher education candidates using the Record of Observation/Participation Experiences Log (Ex. 3.4.f.8). Also involved in the process are university supervisors in consultation with mentors and principals where Alternative Teacher Certification Project (ATCP) Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Ex. 3.4.f.10 candidates who are working toward initial certification are employed.

Advanced Programs: In the Educational Leaders Level I Master's Program (Ex.3.4.e.16), the unit works collaboratively with the Board of Regents and the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) sponsoring meetings, workshops, and data retreats to develop collaborative university and district partnerships and to review program and candidate performance. School district administrators, principals of selected school sites and educational leadership faculty from GSU participate in these efforts (Ex.3.4.a.15 and 3.4.a.16). Numerous on-campus meetings and written communications (Ex.3.4.a.11 and 3.4.a.12) are held with various stakeholders who collaborate to evaluate the design, delivery and implementation of the internship experiences for advanced programs in educational leadership.The unit works collaboratively with school-based faculty to design, implement and monitor the alignment of the conceptual framework outcomes with course and program requirements (Ex.3.4.e.17). Through the OPLE Director and program coordinators, the unit works collaboratively with school partners on program design, evaluation, recommended changes, and placement of student teachers and interns. Many revisions were made with input from school partners in fall 2013 and fall 2014. In initial programs the OPLE Director meets with building principals and cooperating teachers to explain and solicit input about field and clinical experience activities and outcomes (Ex.3.4.a.7). In advanced programs and programs for other school personnel, the unit/EPP meets to explain and solicit input about internship activities and outcomes (Ex.3.4.e.18 and Ex. 3.4.d.10). Through the Graduate Council (Ex.3.4.a.17) and Graduate Admissions Committee, the unit maintains quality control of internships in advanced programs. Expectations for internships are clearly communicated to site supervisors and mentors (Ex.3.4.a.4 and 3.4.a.11) and jointly monitored by program mentors, university faculty, and program coordinators. The unit collaborates with its school partners to share expertise and integrate resources that support candidate learning through professional development activities (Ex.3.4.a.18). Candidates in the MAT program receive iPads and training supported through a federal grant. Unit faculty provided training in the use of iPads, and consultations during the internship. University faculty provide inservice training for our Professional Development School faculty and district school partners provide professional development training for program candidates and university faculty related to PARCC, Common Core Standards, Louisiana Compass Danielson Framework, and other requested topics. In partnership with the Louisiana State Department of Education inservice training ensures that university and district level supervisors are proficient in the use of the Danielson Framework for Teaching as an evaluative tool for candidates in undergraduate, graduate and educational leadership programs. The unit works collaboratively with the LDE to prepare its supervisors through the training offered at the state and regional level. In advanced programs, faculty and candidates share professional expertise and resources with PK-12 schools. Program candidates implement master's level action research projects, and share expertise that is often adopted by schools and districts. University faculty participate in regularly scheduled regional meetings.The OPLE office facilitates workshops for principals, cooperating teachers and university supervisors that address topics for enhancing the teaching/learning experiences (Ex.3.4.a.7). Curriculum and Instruction faculty participate in and facilitate professional development opportunities in partner schools and faculty from PK-12 schools participate in on-campus faculty development activities (3.4.a.18). A laboratory (Ex. 3.4.e.19) secured through Title III funding for strengthening skills in the use of technology in the teaching learning process is available to university faculty and faculty in partner schools. Ongoing dialog between the unit and school partners facilitates continuous refinement in the design, delivery, and evaluation of field and clinical experiences for all programs. The unit, together with district and PK-12 school partners and other members of the professional community design, deliver, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice to help teacher education candidates develop professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions. In initial programs, the PK-16+ Council (Ex.3.4.a.14), which includes members of the local professional community, meets several times a year to serve in an advisory capacity for program design, evaluation and improvement. The Director of OPLE and faculty members communicate regularly with PK-12 teachers and principals to ensure alignment of clinical practice goals, experiences and procedures. At the beginning of each year, an orientation session is held for university supervisors, cooperating teachers, and principals from partnering schools to review expectations, documents, policies and procedures. Additional orientations are held throughout the year to prepare MAT and educational leadership candidates and principals for internship and clinical practice. At the end of the 2015 fall semester, cooperating teachers, principals and university supervisors are invited to attend a luncheon where they will evaluate the field experience and clinical practice and discuss what needs to be changed in order to improve candidates' preparation. Principal and teacher input is also solicited informally throughout the field experience and clinical practice process (Ex.3.4.e.3). At the end of each semester, the OPLE Director holds exit interviews (Ex.3.4.f.9) with candidates to discuss their views about program effectiveness and suggestions for program improvement. The OPLE Director communicates with partnering school principals and teachers to ensure support and input about the various field experience outcomes in initial programs, providing information packets (Ex.3.4.e.20) to ensure clarity and consensus. Advanced program faculty work collaboratively with PK-12 school principals and teachers to ensure support and input about the various field experience outcomes in initial programs, providing information packets (Ex.3.4.e.20) to ensure clarity and consensus. Advanced program faculty work collaboratively with PK-12 school partners through frequent supervisory conferences and informal meetings. Advanced program faculty also work with the Graduate Council to ensure program success. The unit and its school partners jointly determine specific placements of candidates (Ex.3.4.b.11) In initial programs the OPLE Director solicits input from school principals and unit faculty each spring semester to make placement decisions for the following year. Formal criteria for the selection of cooperating teachers and partner schools are outlined in the handbooks. Advanced program faculty work collaboratively with candidates and site supervisors.

Field experiences for each course in the initial level program are included in the state approved course design (Exhibit 3.4.e.14 Plans of Study). Field Experience assignments are designed to meet specific objectives of each course. Objectives of each course are aligned with the Louisiana Compass Danielson evaluation rubric (Exhibit 3.4.e.12 LA Compass Danielson Rubric), applicable SPA standards, and the unit's conceptual framework (Exhibit 3.4.e.13). Field Experience assignments require a range of experiences from observation and limited participation in early courses to assuming responsibility for the full teaching load during student teaching (Exhibit 3.4.e.2 Student Teaching Handbook). The Office of Professional Laboratory Experiences collaborates with clinical faculty, course instructors and school personnel to place students in an optimum environment for acquiring desired knowledge and skills during field and clinical experiences (Ex. 3.4.c.1). Field and clinical sites are carefully chosen to provide a variety of diverse placements and experiences (Ex. 3.4.b.2, and EX 3.4.b.3). Course instructors include field experience performance and hours completed in the grade for the course. Criteria for Cooperating teachers and University supervisors are jointly planned and outlined in the Student Teaching Handbook and shared with clinical faculty (Ex. 3.4.c.5) Many clinical faculty are also certified to teach online classes (Ex. 3.4.c.4)Cooperating teachers and University Supervisors provide credentials and experiences working with candidates to the OPLE office each semester (Ex 3.4.c.2; 3.4.c.3) They evaluate the assigned candidates using an evaluation form provided by the university (Exhibit 3.4.f.1 Student Teacher Evaluation Checklist). Evaluation data is designed to identify candidates who need intervention to remain in the teacher education program (Exhibit 3.4.g.5 Student Teacher Evaluation Data; Ex. 3.4.f.7). The unit maintains data related to teacher candidate admission to degree programs (EX. 3.4.g.1) and candidate demographics (Ex. 3.4.g.2; Ex. 3.4.g.3; and Ex. 3.4.g.4) and utilizes this data to make needed program changes.

Candidates are jointly advised in the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences using a dual advisement process (Ex. 3.4.d.5; Ex. 3.4.d.6; Ex. 3.4.d.7) This ensures that candidates receive all pertinent information regarding their matriculation and degree program requirements. Reflection is an important component in field experiences and clinical practice. All field experiences are aligned with courses that include assignments and peer-to-peer reflections based on observations and experiences in PK-12 classroom (Exhibit 3.4.f.11 Student Teacher Reflection Questions). During student teaching/internship in initial programs, candidates reflect on their experiences in required lesson reflections, weekly reflection journals, and peer-to-peer discussions during student teaching and internship seminars (Exhibit 3.4.b.8 Pre-Student Teaching Seminar Agendas). Reflections are provided to the course instructor in writing each week. Professional dispositions (Exhibit 3.4.f.3 Dispositions Inventory), components of the unit's conceptual framework, and Louisiana Compass Danielson's Framework for Teaching (Exhibit 3.4.e.12) are taught and reflected upon in all education courses. Candidates in advanced programs must keep and submit a record of their internship activities and experiences (EX. 3.4.d.9).

Field experiences and clinical practice allow candidates to demonstrate the unit's conceptual framework (Exhibit 3.4.e.13) in professional practice through modeling by clinical faculty and well-designed opportunities for candidates to learn by doing. Unit faculty are directly involved int he design, implementation, and evaluation of field and clinical experiences (Ex3.4.b.4) One example includes how faculty demonstrate the use of technology in education courses, leading to candidate use of technology in classes and clinical practice (Exhibit 5.4.f.4 Faculty Teaching Styles). An Arts and Science faculty member who teaches Science Methods prepares candidates to teach science lessons to PK-12 students during a summer special projects class, EDPT 599. Initial candidates begin planning and teaching their first lesson plans in the Level 2 field experiences. In clinical practice, well-chosen mentor teachers and unit faculty guide candidates' attempts to become learner-centered educators and to engage all students in their teaching and learning. Throughout all programs, candidates experience the passion of their university faculty and cooperating teachers fully engaged in keeping students at the center of their teaching.

Candidate learning is integrated into teaching practice, where they observe and are observed by others during their clinical practice. It is evident in the course syllabus for student teaching, the observation feedback using the Louisiana Compass Danielson Observation form (Exhibit 3.4.f.2 Student Teacher Evaluation Rubric) completed regularly by cooperating teachers and university supervisors, lesson plan notebooks, reflection journals, and digital portfolios documenting candidate work. Before and during clinical practice, candidates interact regularly with teachers, families, administrators, university supervisors, and other interns about their practice. Candidates participate in faculty meetings, parent-teacher conferences and all-school events such as Family Literacy Night, Family Math Night, athletic and other academic events. Candidates are encouraged to invite principals to observe in their assigned classrooms and to give written feedback about their teaching. Student Teaching seminars (Exhibit 3.4.b.8) provide opportunities for teaching practice and mock interviews with area principals. Candidates' involvement as members of instructional teams in the school and as active participants in professional decisions are demonstrated in their student teaching reflection journals (Exhibit 3.4.f.11).

Clinical faculty submit a minimum of three evaluation reports for each assigned student teacher (Exhibit 3.4.e.6 Student Teaching Calendars). These reports follow pre-teaching conferences, observations of lessons taught, and post observation conference. Cooperating teachers also monitor and sign weekly attendance/activity logs (Exhibit 3.4.e.21 Weekly Activity Log) that student teachers submit to the OPLE office weekly. Student teachers are required to submit lesson plans (Exhibit2 3.4.f.5 and 3.4.g.6) to the cooperating teacher the week prior to teaching for collaboration with and feedback from cooperating teachers prior to teaching the lesson(s). Student teachers are regularly and consistently evaluated by cooperating teachers and university supervisors (Exhibit 3.4.f.1). Regular conferences are planned and conducted between the student teachers, cooperating teachers, and the university supervisors. Systematically scheduled, collaboratively planned on-campus seminars (Exhibit 3.4.b.8) are provided for teacher candidates during their student teaching experience (Exhibit 3.4.e.6).

Field and clinical sites for initial and advanced programs ensure that candidates interact with diverse faculty, diverse P-12 students and diverse clinical faculty (EX. 3.4.b.6). Principals and cooperating teachers are asked to provide input into the planning and implementation of the field and clinical experiences (Ex. 3.4.b.7). Candidates in advanced program internships are required to critique and synthesize educational theory based on their own applied research. This is documented and presented in candidates' capstone action research projects. Candidates for other school professionals participate in internships that require them to design, implement, and evaluate projects related to the roles for which they are preparing. These internship activities directly relate to the roles for which the educational leadership candidates are preparing. The theoretically based projects involve the use of research and technology and have real-world application in the candidates' internship setting. ED PT 599 Special Topics: Content Area and Technology Workshops are presented each summer by a variety of resource speakers and consultants, including the MAT Mentors (Ex3.4.a.6)

The unit's Assessment System (Exhibits 2.4.b and 2.4.d) delineates the role of field experiences and clinical practice in the admission and progress of candidates through each program of study. Field experiences are carefully and collaboratively designed and sequenced to facilitate candidates' professional growth (Exhibit 3.4.a.18) and progression through structured observations, mentoring, and participation in education-related opportunities. Outcomes for each field and clinical experience are clearly aligned with the unit's conceptual framework (Exhibit 3.4.e.17) and help candidates develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions required by state and national standards. Data show that candidates meet entry and exit criteria for clinical practice (Exhibits 3.4.e.2 and 3.4.e.3). The Unit follows the guidelines of LA Bulletin 746 and LA Bulletin 996 (Ex. 3.4.e.4 and Ex. 3.4.e.5)

OPLE maintains a record of field experiences and student teaching placements to ensure each initial level program candidate has experiences in a variety of settings (Exhibit 3.4.b.5 Student Teacher Placements Fall 2011 thru Spring 2015). In initial programs candidates complete a log of hours and activities signed by their cooperating teacher for each early field experience. In early field experiences and final clinical practice candidates also complete an evaluation of their cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Each cooperating teacher and university supervisor assesses the candidate's performance. In advanced programs, candidates upload specific internship assignments and are assessed by their site supervisor and university supervisor. All assessment results are maintained in Taskstream, which is the assessment information management system for the unit. Candidates are also provided with information about their matriculation and degree program requirements in the College of Education Handbook (Ex. 3.4.e.1).

Candidates in advanced programs for teachers (Curriculum and Instruction, Reading, Special Education, and Educational Leader) participate in clinical practice and internships during which they apply the knowledge, skills, and dispositions gained from their coursework in authentic classroom settings (Exhibit 3.4.e.22 Internship). Candidates in advanced programs analyze PK-12 student learning and reflect on their practice through a variety of assignments, including a case study, capstone research project, and professional portfolio. Candidates for other school professionals participate in internships that require them to engage in a designated list of activities related to the roles for which they are preparing.

Clinical faculty use multiple measures and multiple assessments to evaluate candidate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions in relation to standards. Assessment System charts (Exhibit 2.4.d) clearly identify the key assessments used at each transition point in each program. Data from the key assessments are managed in TaskStream. Candidates in clinical practice receive regular and consistent feedback and support from course instructors, university supervisors and cooperating teachers. In initial programs regularly scheduled observations are outlined on the student teaching calendar (Exhibit 3.4.a.9) that guide student teachers, unit faculty, and cooperating teachers. Observations are documented using a unit-adopted Louisiana Compass Danielson rubric that is used as a basis for discussion during the post-observation conference with each candidate. Professional growth goals are set weekly by candidates and cooperating teachers.

In advanced programs periodic 3-way conferences are held by university supervisors, interns, and site supervisors/mentors in order to continuously monitor candidate progress and internship outcomes. Upon completion of internships in advanced programs, site supervisors and university supervisors assess performance of candidates during formal digital portfolio and capstone project presentations (Exhibit 3.4.e.23) EDLD Portfolio Presentations).

Technology skills are developed throughout the unit's programs with the expectation that candidates implement technology throughout their clinical practice. Candidates are required use such information technologies as iPads, Prezi, and Web Quests for educational purposes. Technology tools and applications are modeled in education classes and candidates are encouraged to utilize them during their coursework, field experiences, and clinical practice to support teaching and learning.

Candidates demonstrate mastery of content and pedagogical and professional knowledge prior to admission and during clinical practice as shown in the Assessment System (Exhibit 2.1) and

candidates, district school partners and clinical faculty jointly conduct assessments of performance throughout field experiences and clinical practice (Exhibits 3.4.f.1 and 3.4.f.2). Reflections are required in courses associated with early field experiences, in written reflections during clinical practice and often through class discussions and/or peer-to-peer dialogue. Peer review of lesson planning and microteaching are regular requirements in education courses. During clinical practice, candidates, cooperating teachers, and university supervisors conference during formative assessments. A list of the University Supervisors and Clinical Faculty information is provided (EX. 3.4.c.6; Ex. 3.4.d.4) University Supervisor evaluation forms are also included in this report (Ex. 3.4.d.1 and Ex. 3.4.d.2)

Candidates and clinical faculty systematically examine results related to impact on P-12 learning (Exhibit 3.4.g.6 Candidate Impact on PK-12 Student Learning). These analyses may occur during conferences after lesson observations, during daily reflection and feedback between candidate and cooperating teacher, and during written candidate reflections during student teaching. Upon completion of a teaching unit during student teaching pre-assessment data is compared with post-assessment data and shown during an Impact on Student Learning presentation, along with the candidate's professional judgment about how thoroughly the learning goals were met. The Praxis Oversight Committee reviews Praxis Data and discuss improvements based on the information shared for increasing candidate performance on required Praxis exams (EX. 3.4.a.10; Ex. 3.4.d.3)

Field experiences and clinical practice provide opportunities for candidates to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions for helping all students learn, including students from diverse backgrounds and students with special needs. Each initial candidate is ensured a minimum of 1-2 placements in diverse school settings (Exhibit 3.4.b.1 FIELD SITES DEMOGRAPHICS CHART). Lesson planning templates used in methods courses and student teaching require candidates to identify modifications and accommodations to teach all students. Advanced program candidates must complete a specified number of internship activities outside of their own school to ensure diverse experiences.

Candidates in initial programs and advanced programs are taught to include lesson planning components that make content comprehensible for English Language Learners. In required reading courses candidates demonstrate their understanding of the assessment and intervention process to accelerate the progress of struggling readers. Candidates also participate in Service Learning projects and activities (EX. 3.4.a.3)

Candidates in initial and advanced programs work collaboratively with peers, cohort members and clinical faculty to critique and reflect on each other's practice. Candidates participate in peer review of lesson plans and micro-teaching in seminar courses. In student teaching seminars candidates collaboratively reflect on their work as teachers, on their assessment of student learning and on their impact on student learning. As candidates plan units during student teaching, they develop an assessment plan to show how they will measure student learning and adjust teaching to ensure learning by all. The process of actually implementing this assessment plan and analyzing student learning when the unit is taught during student teaching is now an expectation during student teaching and is presented in the candidates' impact on student learning assessment (Exhibit 3.4.g.6). The field and clinical experience expectations are also included in the University Catalog (Ex. 3.4.e.7).

The unit strategically plans the levels of field experiences (Exhibit 3.4.e.24 Overview of Field Experience Levels) and clinical practice to ensure developmentally appropriate, rigorous development and exploration of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for all candidates. Candidate professional growth and progress in teaching is facilitated through assigned coursework and related field placements that focus on meeting the needs of all learners, including those from diverse backgrounds and those with special needs (Exhibits 3.4.b.3 and 3.4.b.3).

During early field experience placements, candidates are involved in a variety of school-based activities focused on the improvement of teaching and learning. For example, candidates in ED 317 Multicultural Education complete a field experience targeted at helping culturally diverse students who may be struggling academically. Lesson plan templates used in all methods courses require candidates to identify accommodations/modifications that will be made in order to differentiate instruction and to teach all students. Candidates are also encouraged to make content clear for English Language Learners. Candidates in required reading classes are mandated to demonstrate their understanding of the assessment and intervention process to accelerate the progress of struggling readers. Standard 3 Committee members meet regularly to discuss program data and changes for continuous improvement (Ex. 3.4.a.8; Ex. 3.4.b.9 and Ex. 3.4.b.10) In advanced programs, candidates demonstrate their ability to assess and make instructional decisions to support the learning of all students. (Exhibit 3.4.g.6). Internship shows specific requirements of internship and assessment of candidates in advanced programs and communicate expectations to mentor principals (Ex.3.4.a.4). Assigned Mentors for candidates in the MAT program present professional development sessions related to Louisiana Compass and Common Core State Standards (Ex. 3.4.a.5). Mentor criteria, and examples of mentor assignments and mentor logs are included in this report (Ex 3.4.e.8; Ex. 3.4.e.9; Ex. 3.4.e.10)

Plans and Timelines for Attaining and/or Sustaining Target Level Performance

2014-2016: Continue to encourage partnering schools and districts to include unit faculty in their district sponsored inservice workshops and training.

2014-2016: Develop a stronger focus on peer-to-peer review and reflection on learning in field experiences and clinical practice.

2015-2016: Continue to clarify outcomes for each level of field experience and align to the conceptual framework. Engage in significant work to refine and clarify expectations for secondary education content methods course field experiences. Make explicit in the Field Experience Handbook, Student Teaching Handbook and in the information packets distributed to principals and cooperating teachers and university supervisors.

2014-2016: Include activities for integrating ESL, Family Literacy Night and Family Math Night to syllabi and required field experiences so these become consistent expectations for all teacher education candidates.

2015-2016: Consider ways to increase peer-to-peer observations of teaching. Contemplate ways to use Face Time, Skype and iPads for this purpose.

2015-2016: Consider adding a parent involvement plan requirement as part of the unit planning assignment.

2015-2016: In Student Teaching seminars, add a requirement for a technology report on candidate practices.

2015-2016: Make decisions about integration of an ESL lesson planning components during clinical practice.

2015-2016: Implement a new Professional Growth Plan requirement into internships in advanced programs. Unit faculty plan to develop rubrics and detailed expectations for each advanced program PGP. Seek input from the Graduate Council on the new requirement.

2015-2016: Explore the role technology plays in field and clinical experiences and expand research and support with the use of iPads and other technologies in schools. The planned program improvement includes the use of devices for leadership advanced leadership candidates to record supervisory notes during observations.

2015-2016: Develop Mentorship Academy for cooperating teachers. Twice a year hold an inservice on various factors of successful mentoring. Offer professional development continuing learning units (CLUs) credit for attendance and participation.

2015-2016: Consider providing professional development for Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and provide a mock PLC team meeting in one or more levels of field experiences.

2015-2016: Realign Conceptual Framework and student learning outcomes with course syllabi, and with course and program assessments.

Standard 3 Exhibits